Top 10 Google SEO Ranking Factors to be considered in 2021

Priyanka Sharma
7 min readFeb 19, 2021


On the off chance that we are from a similar age, you may have perused the tale of a kid who composed a letter to God for some cash. The sort hearted staff of the mailing station contributed and sent some cash to the kid. On accepting not as much as what he requested, the kid composed another letter to God requesting to send cash straightforwardly to him on the grounds that the mail center authorities were only “a lot of hooligans” who kept a portion of the cash sent by God.

Be that as it may, you can’t compose a letter to Google and request a few kindnesses. There are no mailing station authorities who can do in any event something for you. You are all alone. Work, keep awake to-date, and work. Work to accomplish some positioning successes and keep awake to-date to find out about the progressions Google presents in its Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and Pigeon calculations. Additionally, actualize your most recent learnings in your SEO system to acquire more gains. To offer you a dependable assistance, we have accumulated top notch of and clarified top Google SEO positioning elements to be considered in 2021 by private companies. We are the best digital marketing company in Jaipur in terms of our services and experts.

Keywords in URL

You accidently spilled your much-adored alcohol on your cell phone and the gadget has now would not work. You have a pardon to purchase another model with the most recent energizing highlights. How will you respond? Check the highlights and determinations of various models, isn’t that so? From that point onward, you will choose whether you should purchase or not.

A similar way, the construction of the URL can be useful for your website clients. Think about the accompanying URL for instance.… ./Google-seo-positioning components 2021/

The website client will resemble “Google SEO positioning components 2021. This is the thing that I was searching for”. Client clicks. You have utilized the watchword in the URL and the client is on your website. This URL is easy to understand and shareable too.

Furthermore, ensure that the remainder of the URL isn’t something like this elements 2021/

Presently, for what reason is it a positioning element?

Above all else, Google consistently needs to improve the client experience and you are doing as such by including the watchword.

Furthermore, with the consideration of the catchphrase in the URL, you can show its pertinence to a search inquiry. That is the reason it is a significant positioning variable. This additionally expands space authority.

Keywords in the Title Tag

For an engineer, it is a HTML component that goes between and.

For you and Google, it is a positioning component.

What’s more, for a website client, it is a sign giving what’s on the site page.

Thus, by remembering a catchphrase for the title tag, you are enlightening both the client and Google concerning the substance on the site page. Google, Bing, and any remaining search engines will take a gander at the title tag to discover pages that are pertinent to the client’s inquiry. Obviously, on the off chance that you are remembering the watchword for the title tag and it is in importance with the search inquiry, the search engine will record and rank your page.

ALT text watchwords

Leave 1,000 words, in any event, when your picture worths a billion words, the bot slithers what is in the middle of the labels. It can’t see the picture. Thus, you should advise the search engine about the picture. This is the thing that the alt text does.

Think about this:

What will the search engine find out about the picture while creeping through tag? What does the alt property tell about the picture?

Is there any way ‘image01.jpg’ is applicable to a search inquiry? You can make it rankable just by remembering the watchword for an important alt text. Here is the right way:

Keyword Stemming

Watchword stemming is one of the significant Google SEO positioning variables in 2021 you should zero in on. Watchword stemming is done to produce all the more new words or expressions from a solitary word called root word. Here, it is imperative to distinguish the correct root watchword. We can say it with no dread of being addressed, the whole SEO procedure is basically founded on right watchwords. A catchphrase is much the same as an extension between your website and the crowd you are focusing on.

Returning to the watchword stemming, some postfixes or prefixes are added to the root catchphrase to produce new varieties of the watchwords. A similar strategy is utilized to discover the root watchword by eliminating prefixes and postfixes. Presently, you are utilizing varieties of the catchphrase you need to rank. This will create more traffic and improve the position of your website. From the root catchphrase ‘counsel’, we can produce the accompanying varieties of the watchword:






Inside Anchor Text Links

Rolling out certain improvements in inside connecting can improve the position of a website. Nonetheless, these progressions can be positive or negative for you. In the event that you are refreshing the anchor text of interior connections, ensure that these progressions offer a superior comprehension of the setting of the website page to the search engine. At the point when Google is creeping your website, it attempts to do it with the client’s viewpoint. On the off chance that adjustments in the anchor messages improve the experience and comprehension of the client, this will no doubt improve the position of your website.


In the event that you can see https in the URL bar, you are on a safe website.

Something else, the program will say that the website isn’t secure.

In certain programs, it will be basically

There is a tiny section of SEO epicureans that contends the way that an affecting the positioning of the website. Notwithstanding, Google took a position back in 2014 to ensure the protection of its clients and made SSL accreditation a positioning component. The facts confirm that getting SSL confirmation is a costly arrangement and on the off chance that you are not gathering any data, for example, username, secret word or some value-based data, you can leave it.

Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you can purchase SSL accreditation, do so in light of the fact that Google says as much. HTTPS ensures that the data you are sending or getting is gotten. It is being sent and gotten in scrambled structure. Continuously purchase the applicable SSL testament. You can depend on your facilitating administrations supplier for that.

Outbound Link Quality

Outbound connections and their quality similarly matter in the SEO of your website.

Aside from seeing the area authority, likewise perceive how significant it is with your website. On the off chance that it is normal, this will help the position of your website. Outbound connecting will expand importance, improve notoriety, help esteem and furthermore support backlinks. What’s more, in the event that you anticipate that we should share the best Outbound Linking Practices, we have this to say:

· Search for regular outbound connecting openings.

· Utilize instruments for finding the connected connections.

· Try not to utilize backlink networks.

· Dodge an excessive number of connections.

· Ensure that connections are opening in new tabs.

· Be Strict With User-Generated Links

· Versatile Friendliness

Would we be able to expect that you know about portable first ordering? Alright. The search engine will, above all else, see if your website has a portable variant. If not, Google will set your website aside for later and begin ordering the versatile forms of websites having portable adaptations. In any case, having a wrecked versatile rendition of the website can antagonistically influence the exhibition of your website. Regardless of whether the client is utilizing a cell phone, tablet or a PC, the client ought not be denied of the incredible perusing experience.

Page Speed

Page speed is quite possibly the main Google SEO positioning components in 2021. It has been a positioning element since 2010. It is a positioning element in work area searches as well as versatile searches also (from July 2018 onwards). Thus, on the off chance that you are disappointing your guests with moderate website page speed, Google will baffle you. Google doesn’t like if you make its client hang tight for long. Anticipate no enhancements in positioning. Get ready for the ruin of your website. Improve your site speed in the event that you need high positions.

Or more all, Content

Consistently post top notch content on your website.

What does top notch mean here?

Excellent substance is educational, applicable, exact, cutting-edge, catchphrase improved, and with zero spelling or sentence structure botches. It is straightforward and simple to peruse and comprehend.

A Google client presents a question which the crawler uses to list pages. A crawler slithers through the substance between HTML labels. On the off chance that the catchphrase searched by the client is available on the page in a satisfactory thickness and at the correct spots, the crawler will record your page and the positioning calculation will think about the substance quality and other positioning elements to rank your website. While quality written substance makes all the difference and furthermore a significant positioning component, there are ramifications of copy content, watchword stuffing, and low quality substance.

Even after determining these factors, if you are not getting good results from your digital marketing efforts, you should contact to best digital marketing company in Jaipur. We are the experts in website development and digital marketing. In addition, our partners built android apps which can ensure the satisfaction of your customers. We together are the best mobile app development companies in Bangalore.

